Cash Voucher Policy
Is there an expiration date for cash coupons?Yes, each cash coupon has a specific expiration date and cannot be used beyond that date.
Can all Aosom users use the cash coupons?Cash coupons are only valid for retail customers (2C users). Wholesalers are not allowed to use cash coupons.
How many coupons can I use in one order?How many coupons can I use in one order?
Can the cash coupons be used in conjunction with other promotions on the website?Yes, cash coupons can be used alongside certain promotions on the website.
Can I use the cash coupon on all Aosom products?Cash coupons can only be used to offset the cost of Aosom's own products. If the order includes both third-party merchant products and Aosom products, the cash coupon cannot be applied.
Can I use cash coupons for third-party services?Fees from third parties, such as handling fees and service fees (e.g., installation fees, uplift fees), cannot be deducted with cash coupons.
Can visitors use cash coupons?Cash coupons can only be used by registered users.
Will the cash coupon be refunded if I return an item for which I used the cash coupon?Once a cash coupon is used, it will not be refunded if the item is returned.
*Aosom's promotional policies, including the Cash Coupon, are subject to change or termination without prior notice.